
Generative AI Smart Bench

Generative AI Smart Bench

Project details

PAL Smart Bench

The PAL AI Smart Bench is a  bench designed to work as a learning assistant for learners and teachers. The bench is a valuable resource for communities that lack access to reliable electricity, WiFi, and AI.

The PAL Smart Bench was first funded by the POTRAZ USF fund, a government-backed fund that supports the development of telecommunications and information technology in Zimbabwe. The funding is being used to prototype and test the project in Zimbabwe, with the goal of eventually deploying the benches in other countries across Africa.

The PAL Smart Bench has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of people in Africa. By providing access to AI and power, the benches can help people to stay connected, learn new skills, and start businesses. The benches can also be used to provide information about health, education, and other important topics.

PowerAfrika Labs is currently seeking additional funding to scale up the PAL Smart Bench project.